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Tennessee Indian History Learning Module 1 Pre-Test & Post Test
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The Following is an assessment tool that will also help you to learn the material presented in the Learning Module named Tennessee Indian History Learning Module 1.
You may print out this assessment tool to make it easier to circle your answers, or you may simply take a sheet of paper, and put on the front of the paper, Pre-test, then on  the back of the paper, put Post-Test. You can then write down only the numbers to  the questions, and put T for true or F for false.
1.  T
2.  F
3.  T
There is no need to write down the entire question unless you want to do so. However, it is best if you can print out the entire assessment tool.
Before you read the Learning Module information, you may take the assessment Pre-test because this will help you to understand a brief summary of what you will be learning. This helps you to get an outline of the material that you will be reading and what you will learn from it. This is why the Pre-test
is so important to take.
After you have read the Learning Module, you  can take the assessment again as a Post-test, then go to the Assessment Answer page to check your answers by clicking on the link for that Assessment Answer page. It is very helpful to write down your T or F answers to both the Pre-test and the Post-test so you can compare what you have learned.
These Learning Modules might also be printed out and kept in a folder or binder for your future reference and to refresh your memory of the material.
The material presented in the Learning Modules is aimed at a diverse population of learners from different ages and backgrounds. Some information may seem difficult, while other information may seem very easy. However, the main objective is to learn the material at your own pace and according to your own age group or educational background.

Important Note. The Pre-test and the Post-test are exactly the same because the only way you can know if you learned the material is to compare your answers to the Pre-test and the Post-test. This entire process is aimed at learning and helping you to retain the information you have read.

Tennessee Indian History Learning Module 1

Pre-test and Post-test


1.  Indigenous Tennessee Indians come from only one main group of people.




2.  Woodland Indians never lived in Tennessee




3.  Tennessee's Indian cultures are a blend of cultures from different tribes




4.  Before 1776, Tennessee Indians tribes derived from seven historically known tribes.




5.  After 1776, Tennessee Indian tribes had seven additional tribes that came from other areas.




6.  Kaosati is the name of a tribe that was located in Kansas




7.  Dragging Canoe was a Chikamaka leader




8. The Tellico Treaty was signed in 1796




9.  Many of Tennessee's Indian patriots remained in Tennessee to continue their ties and claims with their ancestral lands.




10.  All of Tennessee's Indians  agreed with the Tellico Treaty and stopped resisting the occupation of their lands by the U.S. government.





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